What Are Effective Ways to Stay Informed About Global Trade Compliance?


    What Are Effective Ways to Stay Informed About Global Trade Compliance?

    Staying ahead in the complex landscape of global trade compliance is crucial for businesses, so we've gathered insights from eleven experts, including CEOs and compliance program managers. They share their strategies and resources, ranging from following regulatory changes and primary sources to relying on IATA for aviation compliance. Discover the invaluable tools and practices that keep these professionals at the forefront of global trade compliance.

    • Follow Regulatory Changes and Primary Sources
    • Harness GSA Focus and ITA Updates
    • Leverage WTO Trade Policy Reviews
    • Explore WTO and ITA Online Resources
    • Refer to WTO's Trade Facilitation Notifications
    • Engage with ICC Forums and Communities
    • Attend Webinars and Use GTR Resources
    • Monitor Changes with Global Trade Alert
    • Rely on IATA for Aviation Compliance

    Follow Regulatory Changes and Primary Sources

    To stay informed about changes in Global Trade Compliance, it is critically important to follow regulatory changes and to identify original resources (such as agency press releases and the Federal Register) as opposed to secondary resources, which may talk about factual or potential changes, may include opinions or subjective conclusions. All have their value, but separating “signal” from the “noise” often becomes a foundational piece for the Global Trade Compliance Program to be adequately and timely updated.

    Some of the primary ways to stay informed:

    • Federal Register:
    • Visit the Federal Register's website. The Federal Register publishes daily updates, including new rules and regulations from all U.S. government agencies, including OFAC and BIS.
    • Subscribe to the Federal Register's email updates for agencies of your interest.
    • Subscribe to Regulatory Updates and Newsletters (directly at the agency’s website: US BIS, OFAC, Department of State).
    • Join Industry Associations: Being a part of industry associations can provide access to specialized resources, workshops, and seminars on trade compliance. These associations typically monitor regulatory changes that impact their members and provide relevant updates.
    • Utilize Trade Compliance Software: Invest in trade compliance software that offers real-time updates on changes in trade laws and regulations. These platforms often include features like alerts and analysis tools to help businesses stay compliant.
    • Attend Webinars and Conferences
    • Follow Reputable News Sources: Regularly read articles and reports from reputable financial and trade news sources. They often cover significant regulatory changes and their implications for businesses.
    • Network with Professionals: Networking with trade compliance professionals and consultants can provide valuable insights and firsthand information on navigating complex trade regulations.
    • Engage with Legal and Consulting Firms: Law firms and consulting firms specializing in international trade can offer tailored advice and regular updates on trade compliance matters relevant to your business.

    Julia Komarovskaya, CFE, MSA, CUSECO
    Julia Komarovskaya, CFE, MSA, CUSECOExport Compliance Program Manager

    Harness GSA Focus and ITA Updates

    Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of global trade compliance demands vigilance and a reliable information source. For nearly two decades, GSA Focus has harnessed the power of direct engagements with regulatory bodies, complemented by an indispensable resource: the International Trade Administration's updates. This dual approach ensures not just staying informed but also proactively adapting to changes, empowering businesses to thrive in the dynamic global market.

    Josh Ladick
    Josh LadickPresident, GSA Focus

    Leverage WTO Trade Policy Reviews

    Navigating Global Trade Compliance with Expert Precision Through the World Trade Organization's Trade Policy Review Mechanism

    As a legal process outsourcing company, staying abreast of changes in global trade compliance is paramount to ensuring our clients' operations remain legally sound and efficient.

    We utilize a multifaceted approach to keep ourselves informed, including continuous monitoring of regulatory updates, subscribing to industry publications, participating in relevant seminars and webinars, and maintaining strong partnerships with legal experts specializing in international trade law.

    One invaluable resource that has consistently provided us with timely and insightful information is the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Trade Policy Review Mechanism.

    This mechanism offers comprehensive assessments of each WTO member's trade policies and practices, providing us with invaluable insights into emerging trends and regulatory changes.

    Recently, while working on a client project involving cross-border transactions, we encountered a complex regulatory change in a key market. Thanks to our proactive approach to staying informed, we were able to swiftly adapt our strategies, ensuring our client remained compliant and their operations uninterrupted.

    This experience underscores the critical importance of staying abreast of global trade compliance developments and leveraging reliable resources like the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism to navigate the evolving landscape effectively.

    Aseem Jha
    Aseem JhaFounder & Head of Customer Delivery, Legal Consulting Pro

    Explore WTO and ITA Online Resources

    It is important to stay informed about changes in global trade compliance. This includes keeping up with any new regulations, laws, and policies that may impact international transactions and business operations. One resource that has been invaluable for me is the World Trade Organization (WTO) website. The WTO is an intergovernmental organization that deals with the rules of trade between nations. Their website provides up-to-date information on trade agreements, tariff schedules, and dispute resolutions. They also have a section specifically dedicated to trade compliance where you can find news, publications, and resources related to global trade regulations.

    Another valuable resource for staying informed is the International Trade Administration (ITA) website. This is a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce that focuses on promoting American exports and enforcing trade agreements. They provide news, events, and resources related to global trade compliance. Additionally, the ITA has a Trade Compliance Center which offers assistance and guidance for businesses looking to comply with international trade regulations.

    Staying informed about changes in global trade compliance is crucial in order to ensure that all transactions are conducted legally and ethically. These resources not only provide information on current regulations, but also offer guidance and support for businesses looking to navigate the complex world of international trade compliance.

    Linda Chavez
    Linda ChavezCMO, Eazy House Sale

    Refer to WTO's Trade Facilitation Notifications

    There are many ways to stay informed about changes in global trade compliance, and it is important to have a reliable source of information that you can refer to regularly. This could be through various channels such as online newsletters, industry forums and events, or by joining professional associations related to international trade.

    One specific resource that has been invaluable for me is the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). This agreement was adopted in 2013 and entered into force in 2017, with the goal of simplifying and streamlining customs procedures for international trade. The TFA has a specific section dedicated to transparency and notification, which requires member countries to regularly notify any changes in their trade regulations and procedures.

    As a global trade professional, I regularly refer to the WTO's TFA notifications database for updates on any changes in trade regulations and procedures around the world. This resource has been extremely useful in keeping me informed about potential compliance issues and allowing me to adapt my processes accordingly.

    Apart from the WTO, other international organizations such as the World Customs Organization (WCO) and regional trade bodies also provide valuable resources and updates on trade compliance. It is important to stay connected with these organizations and their publications, as they often provide insights into upcoming changes in global trade.

    Keith Sant
    Keith SantFounder & CEO, Kind House Buyers

    Engage with ICC Forums and Communities

    I rely heavily on industry-specific forums and online communities where professionals discuss changes in global trade compliance. These platforms offer real-time insights and practical advice on navigating the complexities of international trade. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) website has been an essential resource, especially their publications and guidelines on trade standards.

    Gideon Ruben
    Gideon RubenCEO, Your IAQ

    Attend Webinars and Use GTR Resources

    To keep up with global trade compliance, I regularly attend webinars and online courses offered by international trade organizations and compliance experts. These sessions provide up-to-date information and allow for direct interaction with experts. The Global Trade Review (GTR) has been particularly helpful, offering in-depth articles, reports, and webinars on trade finance trends and regulations.

    Bennett Heyn
    Bennett HeynCEO, Sell House Columbus Ohio

    Monitor Changes with Global Trade Alert

    Continuous learning from webinars, industry conferences, and peer networking is crucial. To stay updated, we subscribe to newsletters from reputable sources like the World Trade Organization and the International Trade Administration. However, one invaluable resource is the Global Trade Alert platform. GTA provides real-time information on trade policies, tariffs, and regulations globally. Its comprehensive database, analyses, and alerts help me anticipate changes, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance for my organization.

    Dhari Alabdulhadi
    Dhari AlabdulhadiCTO and Founder, Ubuy Kuwait

    Rely on IATA for Aviation Compliance

    Staying abreast of changes in global trade compliance is crucial in the aviation sector. At JetLevel Aviation, we rely on a combination of real-time updates from regulatory bodies, ongoing education, and partnerships with compliance experts. A specific resource that has proven invaluable is the International Air Transport Association (IATA) website, which offers comprehensive updates on regulations affecting the aviation industry worldwide. This, coupled with our network of compliance professionals, ensures we navigate the complexities of global trade with due diligence and accuracy.

    Fahd Khan
    Fahd KhanDirector of Marketing & Technology, JetLevel Aviation