Do You Need AngularJS for Your Next App?


This is a guest article from Soubhik Chakrabarti, Director, Icy Tales.

Do You Need AngularJS for Your Next App?

AngularJS is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks to build top-notch apps. Developers can use the framework to drive interactions and create meaningful user experiences. It is best for one-page applications and focuses on code quality for better results.

AngularJS can also help you achieve quicker website transition to charm your customers. You can also provide a native feel irrespective of the device your user has.

Moreover, AngularJS provides scope for both unit testing and end-to-end testing. So, if someone asks, what Angular development is, you can say it helps you create apps with fewer bugs.

Best of all, AngularJS is based on HTML and is familiar to most people in front-end development. The tool is also very easy to learn, and you can train your team faster to pick up the skills.

As a result, developers who know Angular are in high demand. You will need a competitive AngularJS developer salary to hire new talent into your team.

  1. What is AngularJS Used For?

Are you wondering what AngularJS is used for?

Google first used Angular to create dynamic apps that offer high levels of interaction. Today, you can do the same but with more efficiency and less effort.

AngularJS is now businesses’ and developers’ preferred choice to develop immersive client-end apps. It comes with all the tools you need to build highly structured applications using a modular approach.

In addition, Angular requires programmers to write fewer lines of code and offers more flexibility.

The role of Angular has also extended to the back-end nowadays. You can use it to develop back-end agnostic web apps and simplify your code.

Therefore, people are no longer asking what AngularJS is good for. They are using it to build fast and scalable apps that boost your productivity and revenues.

  1. What are the Different Types of AngularJS Stack?

Coders can use different types of AngularJS stacks to build you a reliable app. In recent times, the MEAN web app stack is becoming popular across the world.

The MEAN stack uses MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.JS.

MongoDB is a suitable choice for your database and allows storage at the back-end. Express or ExpressJS powers your back-end and relies on NodeJS for optimum performance.

AngularJS, as you already know, lets you create dynamic UIs and develop the front-end. Ultimately, NodeJS helps a software engineer implement your app back-end in JavaScript.

In addition, your programmer may use various Angular development tools. These simplify development and eliminate repetitive tasks developers have to perform. Some of the popular tools used by coders include:

  • LumX
  • Angular Material
  • Ionic
  • Supersonic
  • Mobile Angular UI

However, not all developers know how to use every tool available. As a result, salaries for AngularJS developers can vary based on skills in different technologies.

  1. Who is an AngularJS Developer?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework to build engaging web apps. It simplifies development and lets you create robust apps faster for quick marketing.

However, a person without technical knowledge will not be able to take advantage of AngularJS. You need a programmer who is a master of JavaScript and also knows AngularJS thoroughly.

Therefore, an AngularJS developer is a person with skills in AngularJS development. You can hire an AngularJS developer to help you create engaging and high-performing apps.

In addition, an AngularJS programmer is a pro at implementing Angular best practices. You can expect your developer to create a streamlined app that meets your specifications.

AngularJS developers are assets to entrepreneurs and businesses. Without them, you cannot hope to establish a market presence or gain a competitive edge.

  1. What are the Standard AngularJS Developer Experience Levels?

Software engineers start their careers as junior AngularJS developers. They generally have interchangeable roles and work on contracts instead of steady jobs.

Junior developers are good for regular tasks that senior programmers shouldn’t waste time handling.

The next level of experience is middle AngularJS developers. They have worked for 2 or more years and have the ability to execute projects independently.

However, they still work under some degree of supervision for the best outcome.

Middle developers can go on to become senior AngularJS developers with at least 5 years of experience. They are more of a problem-solver and invest less time in actual coding.

Instead, they focus on creating innovative solutions and taking on leadership roles.

Recruiters can select AngularJS developers with varying experiences based on their project requirements. You should also consider your budget as AngularJS developer salary increases with experience.

  1. What Does an AngularJS Developer Do?

AngularJS developer responsibilities revolve around front-end development. Like let’s say you want to develop a picnic business. Or, maybe a truck stop business. You get the drift. There are a lot of options out there. And there will be a lot of variables involved- and you will want to get an app for one.

They can take advantage of Angular to build you awesome apps to woo your customers. You can look forward to your Angular programmer for:

  • Designing and building seamless and user-friendly UIs
  • Using front-end technologies to create world-class apps
  • Making the most of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Analyzing and researching product requirements
  • Flawless testing and implementing advanced features
  • Ensuring top performance for all your products

AngularJS developers can also help you develop apps customized to your needs. They can also save your costs by writing clean code to be used across platforms.

Businesses can hire Angular programmers to deliver apt solutions to meet customer pain points. Your developer can also help you maintain your code and push regular updates.

  1. What are the Basic Skills of an AngularJS Developer?

You need solid skills to fulfill front-end developer roles and responsibilities. As a result, your AngularJS developer should possess reliable skills in areas you wish to explore in your development process.

The following are some of the skills you may keep an eye for in your candidate:

  • Good knowledge of JavaScript for unleashing the power of Angular
  • A strong grasp over AngularJS and its components
  • Understanding of HTML and CSS for creating the best user experiences
  • Knows the ins and outs of TypeScript for strong typing
  • Familiarity with NodeJS or NPM to develop efficiently

In addition, Angular programmers know how to use different tools and frameworks. However, don’t expect your developer to be familiar with all tools, as that is not possible.

Therefore, you should hire your developers based on the skillsets you need for development success.

  1. What Types of AngularJS Developers Can You Hire?

Entrepreneurs can hire different types of Angular programmers to meet their needs. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular options you can get your hands on:

In-House Engineers

Businesses can hire in-house AngularJS professionals to meet their talent shortages. You can expect your developer to work full-time on your projects for decent pay.

They are highly committed and help you achieve your business objectives.


Some recruiters may find freelance developers suitable, especially for short-term projects. You can use various freelance platforms to hire your developer and expect to pay the average AngularJS developer salary.

However, freelancers can be less committed and leave your project midway.

Outsourced Programmers

Outsourced programmers are great to augment or grow your development team. You can hire top expertise to fill in any skill gaps and look to give tough competition to your rivals.

Outsourced programmers work at your company full-time and possess a passion for coding.

  1. How to Write AngularJS Project Description?

A project description helps recruiters pinpoint the requirements needed to complete it successfully. In addition, it gives an idea to potential developers of what they need to fit in your role.

Your project description should always describe the project in a few sentences. It will give an idea to job seekers what they are expected to do once hired.

For example, does your project involve coding an app from scratch? Or, do you want to migrate an existing app to Angular?

The details can also include whom they will be working with and the level of experience required.

In addition, you can include other requirements, like:

  • Knowledge of specific technologies you aim to use in your project
  • Duration of your project
  • Educational qualifications for potential candidates
  • Project scope and deliverables
  • AngularJS developer salary you wish to pay

Include all essential information about your project in the description to ensure only the right candidates apply. However, try to keep your description limited to a few paragraphs.

  1. What AngularJS Developer Hard Skill Assessment Questions Can I Ask?

Recruiters should always ask the right questions to shortlisted developers to evaluate their skills. Here are some examples you can use to create your questions:

  • What do you mean by directives in AngularJS?
  • How do you implement two-way binding?
  • What is the role of interpolation in AngularJS?
  • Name some tools to test your Angular app.
  • What is the difference between a link and compile in Angular?
  • What do you know about the AngularJS digest cycle?
  • Differentiate between $scope and scope in Angular.
  • What do you think is the most suitable tool to replace AngularJS?
  • Tell me more about $location service.
  • How do you enable caching in an AngularJS app?
  • What do you mean by locale ID in Angular?
  • Do you know how to use Mocked Service?
  • Why should you use a scopeless controller while coding in Angular?


  1. How much does it cost to hire the best AngularJS developers?

Entrepreneurs can expect to pay less to developers in regions like Eastern Europe. The cost of living is low here, and people can save a major part of their earnings.

As a result, the average salary of AngularJS developers is lower compared to countries like the US or UK.

You can expect to pay upwards of $25,000 per year to a junior developer. Senior developers will charge more, around $5,000 per month, to solve problems on your behalf.

  1. Where are the best offshore AngularJS engineers located?

The best AngularJS developers are located across the world. However, you will find the maximum concentrations in regions excelling as IT hubs.

  1. Why hire a team of AngularJS developers?

A team of Angular developers is sure to put you on the path to business success. You can speed up your work and aim for a faster time to market. Entrepreneurs can also expect quick problem solving and innovative solutions from so many top brains working on your project.

In addition, a team of developers keeps your development on track. You don’t need to worry even if some of them decide to leave and join other companies.

  1. Why does AngularJS developer salary differ from one another?

The salaries of Angular developers vary based on many factors. The most common one is the location of the developer that impacts how much they earn.

For example, countries in Eastern Europe have lower salaries than places like Switzerland or the USA.

In addition, the expertise of the developer also influences their salaries. You will need to pay more to programmers who have more experience and skills.

Moreover, the technologies they know can also impact pay.

Soubhik Chakrabarti
Soubhik Chakrabarti

Soubhik Chakrabarti, Director, Icy Tales